Meet Christen Miller
Speaker, Teacher, Women's Ministry Director
Christen has lived in Northern California for most of her life where she’s enjoyed being surrounded by God’s beautiful creation. She trusted in Jesus as her Lord and Savior just before her fourteenth birthday. After spending several years resisting God’s plan for her, she began following His way in her mid-twenties. It was at this time that she began attending women’s Bible studies and studying End Times Bible prophecy. God began to stir up a passion for sharing with others all that the Lord revealed to her through her time studying His Word. Christen has enjoyed teaching and leading Women’s Bible studies, leading children to a saving faith in Jesus at Vacation Bible Camps, and speaking at retreats and conferences.
Christen has been married to her best friend Erik, since 1995 and been blessed with a son and daughter. She enjoys reading, camping, pickleball, hiking, paddle boarding and just about anything outdoors. After being a stay-at-home mom for twenty years, Christen returned to work as the Director of Women’s Ministries in 2019 at the church she attends.
Her desire is to know the Lord, follow Jesus, and be an example to others. She is passionate about encouraging others to get into the Word of God, grow in their faith, and learn how to walk it out.
Statement of Faith
I believe in the triune God who created the known universe and is sovereign over it all. I believe that the Bible is God breathed, Spirit inspired, and the living Word. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Jewish Messiah, the Lord and Savior of the world, the Son of God. He is the lamb that was slain for the sin of the world at His first coming. He is the Word, the Way, the Truth, the Light, the Alpha and Omega, and the Resurrection. I believe He is the Lion of the tribe of Judah that will return again to set up an eternal kingdom. I believe that followers of Jesus are sealed by His Holy Spirit and guided by His Spirit into all truth and power.
My personal belief based on my study of the Scriptures is in a pretribulation eschatological view. I’m a premillennialist and dispensationalist. I personally attend a non-denominational Bible teaching church that teaches the inerrancy of God’s Word.